martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016


That's my second band for Rogue Stars. This time is a smuggler band, that controles the gunrunning and the human (or alien) trafficking in Funky Town.

Band is formed by MORDECAI NIMBUS, vicious leader, the tech expert and hacker BLINK, and the couple TONK BRODIX, a big bully, and his fast and deadly wife TINA.

MORDECAI NIMBUS – Leader 2, martial arts 2, reactive, veteran, weapon master, force shield, light combat dress, energy hammer - 61xp

BLINK – tech 2, marksman 1, neuro-jack array, l.c. dress, laser pistol, assault rifle, disentangler, intrusion kit - 53xp

TONK BRODIX – big, tough, chainsaw with built-in flamer - 34xp

TINA BRODIX – agile 1, fast 1, marksman 1, reactive, assault rifle, electric chain, l.c. dress - 45xp


domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2016


That's my first band for the AMAZING skirmish game Rogue Stars :

  • CRATHULL (the one with mutie sign) - Psionic, Bionic legs and arm, perceive, tel. strangle, leader 1, tech 1, veteran 44xp

  • WAMPLEY (left down) - Psionic, danger sense, master psi 1, weapon master 1, hero, sword, bolster, electrokinesis, heal, mindbolt 58xp

  • ENDA (girl with wings) - psionic, wings, agile, reactive, perceptive, lucky, submachine gun, knife, blink 42xp

  • BLOOP (green thing with lantern) - psionic, diminutive, levitation, teleport., heal, selfmade hammer (count as sword) 27xp

  • DRAKH (big reptile guy) - psionic, reptiloid, big, though, weapon master 2, claws, 2H sword 28xp

So... 199 xp

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

The Oxford Ladies Academy

Type Cost Pluck FV SV Speed Talents
Katherine Brooke 62 2+ +2 +4   Leadership +2
Rachel Spearman 38 3+ +4 +2   Leadership +1
Rose Bud 47 4+ +1 +5   Hunter
Agnes Grey 18 4+ +2 +2   Medic
Anne Clock 44 4+ +1 +1    
Dorothy Ghart 50 5+ +2 +2 +2 Fanatic
Erudite Whit